Seafood Group Pushes Sustainable Labeling

December 1, 2009 Klas Stolpe, Juneau Empire

Certification may help boost prices, expand Alaska brand in Europe.

Global Salmon Study Shows Sustainable Food Production Isn’t So Sustainable

Multi-year study points the way to Sustainable Salmon Production And Debunks Food Sustainability Myths along the way.

Biopack Announces Initial Sales Of New Water-Resistant Trays

Biopack designed, tested, manufactured and shipped a new coated fish tray.

FDA Seeks Permanent Injunction Against Sharkco Seafood

November 30, 2009 Siobhan DeLancey, FDA

The injunction is intended to stop the seafood processing company from distributing scombrotoxin-forming fish in interstate commerce.

Seoul Shik Poom Gets FDA Warning

November 30, 2009 Carol Fletcher, The Record

Packaging for the frozen mackerel and salted wild anchovy lacked documentation warning about the dangers of histamine and pathogens, and paperwork that declares the products safe.