Oregon Crabbers Head Out For Start Of Season

December 1, 2009 Nate Traylor, The World

Crab this season exceeded the minimum requirements used by the state to ensure the shellfish are meaty enough for consumption.

New England Shrimp Season Kicks Off

December 1, 2009 Associated Press

With a strong shrimp resource in the Gulf of Maine, regulators have set a 180-day season, which began Dec. 1 and ends May 29.

FDA Recommends More Robust System Of Food Product Tracing

The FDA recommends clear objectives be set for all users of a simpler, globally accepted food supply chain.

Seafood Group Pushes Sustainable Labeling

December 1, 2009 Klas Stolpe, Juneau Empire

Certification may help boost prices, expand Alaska brand in Europe.

Global Salmon Study Shows Sustainable Food Production Isn’t So Sustainable

Multi-year study points the way to Sustainable Salmon Production And Debunks Food Sustainability Myths along the way.