Warming Drives Off Cape Cod’s Namesake

November 30, 2009 Associated Press

Cod and 23 other stocks of species have shifted as waters warm.

N.C. Coastal Federation Pushing Oyster Restoration Project

Two-year project calls for 54,000 tons of limestone marl to build sanctuaries.

Missouri Farmers Raise Seafood To Meet Demands

November 25, 2009 OzarksFirst.com

The university is using the research project as a possible means to help meet the growing demand for domestic fish and shellfish.

Mississippi Senator Co-Sponsors Warm-Water Oyster Bill

The legislation would effectively prohibit the sale of warm water oysters.

Report: Frozen Fish Is More Environmentally Friendly Than Fresh

November 25, 2009 Abby Haight, The Oregonian

The study showed how sustainable it is to catch fish, keep them cold and fly them to markets around the world.