These Bivalves Tell a Story: Murder Point Oysters

Murder Point is the largest oyster farm in Alabama. Others in the state include Point au Pins — also on Sandy Bay — Navy Cove and Massacre Island. Louisiana has fewer farmed oysters: Southern Belles, Grand Isle and Caminada Bay. Zirlott suspects Louisiana has been slower to embrace oyster farming because unlike in Alabama, harvesting wild oysters from reefs remains a viable business.

FDA Investigates Shigella Illnesses Linked to Imported Raw Oysters Outbreak

May 22, 2019 FDA

Consumers should not purchase oysters marketed as being harvested from Estero El Cardon, in Baja California Sur, Mexico from restaurants. Consumers who have recently experienced symptoms of foodborne illness should contact their healthcare provider and report their symptoms and receive care.

Despite Restoration Efforts, Alabama Oysters Reach Historic Low

February 26, 2019 Mary Scott Hodgin., WBHM

From Florida to Texas, oyster populations in the Gulf of Mexico are dropping, and in some places, they are at historic lows. In Alabama, the problem is so bad that officials canceled this year’s public oyster season. Scientists involved in restoration efforts are now finding that what worked before is no longer working, so biologists are trying something new.

Response to the recommendations from the National Working Group for Vibrio parahaemolyticus Control in BC Oysters for Raw Consumption

Following an outbreak of illnesses caused by Vibrio in British Columbia oysters in 2015, a working group of regulators and industry members discussed perceived gaps in the current controls for Vibrio. The regulators were at the provincial and federal level, and included the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).