Oysters and Clams Can Be Farmed Together

April 6, 2020 Rutgers Today

Eastern oysters and three species of clams can be farmed together and flourish, potentially boosting profits of shellfish growers, according to a Rutgers University–New Brunswick study.

Climate Change, Development Batter Mississippi Delta Oysters

February 17, 2020 Josh Landis, PBS/Nexus Media

Record flooding, human-made channels and environmental disasters have exacerbated the already harsh effects of climate change in Louisiana’s Mississippi Delta, impacting the region’s coastal wildlife and seafood supplies.

R.I. Judge Rules That Oysters Qualify as Form of Livestock

You might not consider saltwater bivalves on par with any variety of cattle, goats or sheep, but a Superior Court ruling this week determined that is precisely what oysters constitute: livestock.

Fisheries and Fishermen Hard Hit by Decline of Oysters On Gulf Coast

December 2, 2019 DEBBIE ELLIOTT, WJCT

Record flooding on the Mississippi River sent too much fresh water into the Gulf of Mexico, killing oysters and crippling other seafood harvests that depend on saltwater to survive.

Low Salinity Wallops Oysters in the Chesapeake Bay

Rain has dealt a serious blow to the Chesapeake Bay’s oysters — and to the people who make a living harvesting, cultivating or restoring them.