Butter Supplies Tight, But We Don’t Have a ‘Butter Shortage’ Today

While there isn’t a shortage, the U.S. is experiencing tight stocks, prices that remain elevated, slightly lower production than we had last year, and higher exports of butter. Competition for butter is high, too. All these factors together mean prices are likely to remain elevated through the holiday season and supplies will remain tight compared to last year.  

IDFA and Ever.Ag Announce Second Annual DairyTech Conference — Where Dairy and Tech Connect

Dairy business and technology executives from around the world will convene at the second annual DairyTech conference in Minneapolis, Minn., next year to forge new relationships and explore the technological trends that will shape the future of the food and beverage sector.

SNAP Dairy Incentive Program Expands to 150+ Retail Outlets with Award to Auburn University

In a strong show of support for healthy nutrition incentive programs, today the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a significant expansion of the Healthy Fluid Milk Incentives Projects (HFMIP), a pilot program that provides a dollar-for-dollar match to participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) when they purchase healthy fluid milk options at qualifying food retail outlets.

Healthy School Meals Including Dairy Are a Top Priority for Many U.S. Voters, Particularly Low-Income Parents

Nine-in-ten voters with children in public schools say making sure school meals are healthy and nutritious for children in their community is a priority, according to a new Morning Consult national tracking poll commissioned by the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA). Ninety-two percent of these parents also indicated that they believe providing milk in school meals is important to a child’s daily nutritional intake, while approximately 8-in-10 parents supported including low-fat flavored milk in public school meals.

U.S. Dairy Consumption Hits All-Time High in 2021 as Growing Category Evolves Toward Yogurt, Cheese, Butter

American consumers snapped up their favorite dairy products at a record rate in 2021, according to new data from the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS). The data released today shows per capita consumption of dairy grew by 12.4 pounds per person over the previous year, continuing a near 50-year growth trend that started in 1975 when USDA began tracking annual consumption of milk, cheese, butter and everything else in the dairy case. The average American consumed 667 pounds of dairy on a milkfat basis in 2021 versus 539 pounds in 1975 when data was first established.