Eosta is Ready for 100% Plastic-Free Fruit and Vegetable Packaging in 2022

December 29, 2021 Eosta

It was recently reported in the media that two thirds of the plastic packaging in supermarkets cannot be recycled. But recycling plastic will no longer be necessary if organic specialist Eosta has its way. Cutting edge innovations now allow Eosta to offer all its fresh fruit and vegetables plastic-free.

Eosta and Groenheuwel win Climate Change Award

November 4, 2021 Eosta

Eosta has won the Eco-Logic Climate Change Award 2021 for its partnership with South African citrus grower Groenheuwel. This was announced by the award organization in South Africa at a festive award ceremony held today, 3 November 2021, during the COP26 climate conference.

A New Reason To Eat Organic: A Diverse Microbiome

September 17, 2021 Eosta

An organic apple contains more microscopic biodiversity, which is an essential ingredient for human health. This was revealed by Austrian research conducted in 2019 that compared the micro-biodiversity of conventionally grown and organic apples. Other new research indicates that microbial biodiversity is crucial for good health. And this is why Eosta is supporting a study carried out by Stichting Bac2nature (Bac2nature Foundation) and Maastricht University on the link between cultivation methods, microbial biodiversity and digestion. “Biodiversity is vitality,” according to Eosta CEO Volkert Engelsman.

Eosta Has Sold The First 100,000 Boxes of Living Wage Avocados

June 22, 2021 Eosta

ast year, Eosta introduced the first Living Wage product (mango) and in April this year the Living Wage avocado was launched. Two months on, 100,000 4kg boxes have already been sold.

Let’s Make Those Blueberries Plastic Free! (And Water Efficient)

June 11, 2021 Eosta

Over the last years, blueberry sales have exploded… along with the amount of plastic boxes they are sold in. This is a thorn in the side of organic distributor Eosta, who now offers three plastic-free packaging alternatives for blueberries. Let’s make the berries plastic-free! And organic, because that saves 4.7 litres of water per kg of berries.