Eosta Starts Joint Venture With Musk Brothers

April 5, 2021 Eosta

The goal of the joint effort is to set up an experimental cultivation site for fruit and vegetables in the Mojave Nevada desert under conditions comparable to those on Mars. Development of the experimental site will begin in 2022. The products will be sold in both the US and Europe.

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Eosta Pushes Mangoes and Avocados With Living Wage Premium

April 1, 2021 Eosta

In 2020, organic fruit and vegetable importer Eosta became the first in the world to put a Living Wage product on shop shelves: the Living Wage mango from Zongo Adama in Burkina Faso. Eosta customers

Each Organic Avocado Saves 17.6 Litres of Water – and More

March 29, 2021 Eosta

Since 8.00 am, our organic avocadoes have saved 73,771 litres of water.’ This message was shown at 10.00 am on the morning of Tuesday 16 March on a 3 x 5-metre ticker board during a guerrilla campaign at the Binnenhof, the Dutch parliament building.

Embrace the New Normal: Fill Half Your Plate With Fruit and Vegetables

January 19, 2021 Eosta

Eosta, working with supermarkets around Europe, introduces a new practical tool to help consumers boost their health and immune system with food: the VitaPlate. VitaPlate shows you at a single glance whether your plate and shopping trolley are filled with food that is good for you. Half of it consists of fruit and vegetables.

First Living Wage Mangoes Close 40% of Wage Gap

November 13, 2020 Eosta

Last season, most European retailers shied away from it: putting Living Wage Mangoes up for sale. But German and Austrian shopkeepers were braver: “So it costs a little more, but the workers in Africa receive a Living Wage for it? We’re in!”