American Floral Endowment (AFE) Empowers Growers with Research-Driven Strategies and Solutions Through ‘Grow Pro’ Series

Alexandria, VA — The increase in challenges growers face is never-ending. From the new thrips invasion, to disease management, to water and nutrition of crops, AFE is here to help!

If you haven’t yet had a chance to participate in the American Floral Endowment (AFE)’s Grow Pro Webinar series, you and your team are missing out. Monthly educational webinars featuring nationally recognized researchers and speakers provide the latest research-driven strategies, solutions, and practical advice to help navigate through these ever-changing challenges.

Webinars are presented on a Tuesday each month and are 30-40 minutes in length, plus a 15-minute question-and-answer period with the researchers. This is a unique opportunity for the audience to ask questions directly to the expert about issues they may be experiencing around the topic.

“AFE is a leader in identifying and funding the most critical research to help solve industry challenges. We’ve found the sweet spot in providing education in an easy-to-understand format, while allowing participants to engage with the speakers. The sessions are then recorded so they can be shared and watched on demand,” says Debi Chedester, AFE Executive Director.  

The recent May Webinar, Identification and Management of Root Diseases in FloricultureCrops, presented by Dr. Francesca Hand (OSU), had a record-breaking attendance with 262 registrants and received the highest ratings in our post-webinar survey in terms of information, resources, and presentation. The overwhelming majority of respondents noted that they could use this information “immediately” in their businesses.

“AFE’s Grow Pro webinars have become a game-changer for growers seeking the latest research-based solutions. Our webinars have shown a significant increase in registration, engagement, and views of past recordings, reflecting the valuable content and its impact on business practices,” noted Laura Barth, AFE Research Coordinator.

The series is provided free-of-charge to all, thanks to generous sponsors. In addition, each webinar is recorded and posted to AFE’s YouTube where they can be accessed 24/7. Viewers can subscribe to get notified when each webinar is posted, and sponsors get recognition each time the video is accessed.

“The Grow Pro Webinars are an incredible resource for both me, and my team of greenhouse growers,” Michael Wijesinghe, Grower at Bell Nursery, and a regular attendee and participant of the webinars, said. “The professional speakers present industry-relevant information, and field-applicable research, in a manner that is engaging and comprehensible.”

Learn more, become a sponsor, or register for upcoming webinars at

About the American Floral Endowment (AFE)
The American Floral Endowment is the industry’s trusted source and catalyst for floriculture advancement through funding of innovative research, scholarships, internships, and educational grants that best serve the dynamic needs and demographics of all industry sectors. Help AFE continue to support floriculture programs now and in the future. To learn more about AFE or make a tax-deductible contribution, visit