BEMA CEO: How The Baking Industry Fills Voids


We are amid a time of comparison and contrast, historical significance versus modern-day relevance, work-life balance versus stay-at-home orders, the comfort of an old-fashioned handshake versus the convenience of a video conference call.  While we navigate this period of transition, few of us have the luxury of a compass for guidance, particularly as we navigate something generally deemed “unprecedented.” In the place of a guided path, we’re exploring a re-imagined journey influenced by intuition and a fair amount of trust, counting on change as the only constant.


While there are undeniable voids and upheavals created by the pandemic, we are also seeing new things (good things) uncovered and unearthed as a result. Ideas that once might have been dismissed for being too different or too outside the norm now have new validity. For example, can you imagine if at the dawn of the new year someone suggested the idea of school and work both entirely from home or the elimination of travel?

At that time, I don’t think these notions would have found many supporters. Yet, due to our forced acceptance of the pandemic environment, and the resulting voids created, we are making the choice to look at things with new eyes and a new mindset focused on creating meaningful solutions.

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