APHIS Amends Entry Requirements for Importation of Potato from Prince Edward Island to Prevent Introduction of Potato Wart Pathogen

April 5, 2022 USDA APHIS

Effective immediately, the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is amending its requirements for the importation of potato (Solanum tuberosum) from Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada to prevent the introduction of potato wart (causal agent Synchytrium endobioticum) into the United States.

Statement From PEI Potato Board, Stories From the Field, Regarding PEI Potato Crop Destruction

The closure of the U.S. border to PEI tablestock potatoes and restriction of movement of all seed potato by the Canadian Minister of Agriculture has left PEI growers with more than 300 million pounds of potatoes with nowhere to go, and farmers with no other options.

National Potato Council Statement in Response to Resumption of Trade Between PEI and Puerto Rico

February 10, 2022 National Potato Council

The National Potato Council released the following statement in response to news of the resumption of trade of table stock potatoes from Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada, into Puerto Rico.

USDA Allows Resumption of Prince Edward Island Tablestock Potatoes into Puerto Rico

February 9, 2022 USDA

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the resumption of tablestock potatoes from Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada, into Puerto Rico. USDA has determined the importation of these potatoes under specified conditions poses little risk of introducing potato wart disease, a soil-borne disease that reduces yield and marketability, to Puerto Rico.

U.S. Potato Industry Supports CFIA Action to Protect Canadian Provinces and U.S. after Additional Disease Detections

November 24, 2021 National Potato Council

The National Potato Council (NPC) and grower organizations throughout the United States welcomed the announcement by Canada’s Acting Chief Plant Health Officer, David Bailey, to prevent the spread of potato wart from Prince Edward Island (PEI) by restricting the movement of PEI potatoes to other Canadian provinces and the U.S.