3 X Concepts That Preserve and Radiate Freshness

September 26, 2019 Puratos Taste Tomorrow

For many consumers, a product’s freshness defines its quality. They use all their senses to determine how fresh a product is. Does it smell, look and feel fresh? They also look at the expiry date. All this information impacts how they perceive the product’s quality and whether they decide to buy it or not. These three concepts know exactly how to meet those expectations.

How Freshness Defines the Quality Perception of Baked Goods

September 25, 2019 Puratos Taste Tomorrow

The freshness of a product has a big impact on consumers’ perception of quality. To determine product freshness, they use all their senses: smell, sight and touch. But the latest Taste Tomorrow survey also showed that the definitions of freshness are evolving, and it revealed new criteria that impact consumers’ perception of quality. Learn more about the evolving freshness trend.