Brighter Bites Distributes Over 600,000 Pounds of Fresh Produce and Nutrition Resources to Washington, D.C. – Area Schools During 2020-2021 School Year

August 4, 2021 Brighter Bites

Brighter Bites, a nonprofit program working to provide children with nutrition resources and fresh produce, completed a successful 2020-2021 school year in the Washington, D.C./Prince George’s County areas by providing 2,872 families boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables along with hundreds of nutrition education resources.

Coastal Sunbelt Produce Partners with Vizzion to Choose the Best Delivery Routes

June 16, 2020 Coastal Sunbelt Produce

Coastal Sunbelt Produce, the leading food service distributor of produce and dairy in their region, has renewed its partnership with Vizzion to utilize the Desktop Video Wall in their operations center.