National Grocers Association Statement on FTC Antitrust Lawsuit Against Amazon

Washington, D.C. – The National Grocers Association (NGA) has released a statement in response to the lawsuit brought by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 17 state attorneys general against Amazon for alleged antitrust law violations.

“The FTC’s complaint against Amazon highlights the urgent need for antitrust enforcement.  Amazon’s dominance in the digital realm mirrors the tactics seen by powerful grocery chains on Main Street. In both instances, these large gatekeepers leverage their size and market power to extract favorable terms and exclusive deals with vendors, undermining competition and harming consumers,” said Chris Jones, NGA senior vice president of government relations and counsel.  “Whether it’s the digital marketplace or brick-and-mortar retail, the FTC’s move underscores the vital importance of ensuring that consumers benefit from a variety of choices, competitive pricing, and fair market environment that empowers both independent businesses and the consumers themselves.”

About NGA

Washington, D.C.-based NGA is the national trade association representing the retail and wholesale community grocers that comprise the independent sector of the food distribution industry. An independent retailer is a privately owned or controlled food retail company operating a variety of formats. The independent grocery sector is accountable for about 1.2 percent of the nation’s overall economy and is responsible for generating more than $250 billion in sales, 1.1 million jobs, $39 billion in wages and $36 billion in taxes. NGA members include retail and wholesale grocers located in every congressional district across the country, as well as state grocers’ associations, manufacturers and service suppliers. For more information about NGA, visit