The American Pecan Promotion Board Launches “Surprisingly Snackable Pecans”

Fort Worth, Texas – The American Pecan Promotion Board (APPB) is on a mission to evolve the way Americans enjoy pecans. Traditionally viewed as a holiday baking nut, pecans are taking center stage as a deliciously nutritious snack option for everyday consumption in the group’s new “Surprisingly Snackable Pecans” campaign launching.

With 90% of U.S. adults snacking up to three times per day and 81% of nuts being consumed as a snack, the APPB sees a golden opportunity to position pecans as the go-to snack that delivers on both flavor and function. “As snacking grows more functional, people still want to enjoy their snacks. Flavor combined with nutritional value will be the most important selection driver for snacks. And with their buttery taste, natural sweetness and good-for-you nutrients, pecans are a perfect option,” said Serena Schaner, Managing Director of Global Marketing for the APPB.

“Surprisingly Snackable Pecans” Campaign Creative

The APPB has partnered with Signal Theory, a branding agency known for its behavioral science approach to marketing, and creative studio SixTwentySix to create a campaign to reach target audiences across generations. Together, they have created a new consumer campaign called “Surprisingly Snackable Pecans,” to dispel the myth that pecans are only for desserts.

Three creative spots aim to reach target audiences across generations:

● “Squirrel Bro” tells the story of a hungry dad’s bond with nature—and mild fear of his judgmental teenage daughter.

● “Proper Granny” learns from Gen-Z how pecans are, like, a snack vibe now.

● “The Other Half” features one shopper’s fantastical dream of how pecan halves make their way from shell to shelf.

“These spots use humor to showcase the appeal of pecans, not just for their buttery goodness, but also as a go-to snack that can be super satisfying and good for us,” said Joe Wilper, Creative Director at Signal Theory. “Many people have pecans anchored in their mind for a particular use. The goal here is to surprise people with the versatility of this all-American nut.”

Comprehensive Channel Mix and Surprise and Delight Influencer Approach

The APPB is taking a comprehensive shopper marketing approach to lift the category of pecans. The spots will be available on CTV and streaming on platforms such as Prime Video, Hulu, Cooking Channel, Fox and Bravo.

“We are going to be at each decision point in the shopper journey, building the use case for adding pecans to your weekly grocery list,” said Schaner. “That means pecans will be top of mind via Instacart, your favorite grocery list app and, of course, Amazon to help consumers discover this super nut’s appeal as ‘Surprisingly Snackable.’”

The shopper marketing campaign elements include strategies for e-commerce, in-store activations, influencer marketing, social media promotion, digital marketing and out-of-home billboards. “We are using a mix of channels that quickly get the campaign in motion to capture consumer attention and drive trackable sales data,” said Schaner. “We haven’t been the loudest nut, but we’re a nut that will surprise you with both health and taste.”

“The creative team described taking a surprise-and-delight approach with influencers who will receive merch to capture the campaign’s light and fun spirit,” said Wilper. “We designed the kind of T-shirt and ball cap that make a statement with a simple message of, ‘I’m a snack.’”

Health Benefits of Pecans

A growing appetite for pecans proves shoppers don’t need to sacrifice flavor for function when it comes to snacking. A handful of pecans (about 19 halves) provides a good source of fiber, thiamin and zinc, and an excellent source of copper and manganese (an essential mineral for metabolism and bone health).

“With the ‘Surprisingly Snackable Pecans’ campaign, the APPB is ready to make some noise in the snacking world and secure a spot for pecans on everyday grocery lists,” said Shaner. “Get ready to see pecans in a whole new light—they’re more than meets the pie!”

Sources for Data Cited:

90% stat source: U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service; NHANES

2015–2016, accessed on 5 June 2022; and 81% stat source: Mintel Market Size Reports; Snack food in the US (2023).

About APPB

The American Pecan Promotion Board was founded in 2021 and is comprised of pecan producers and importers. This group is dedicated to driving the demand for pecans through research and promotion eorts. Reach them at