Marketing: Fiber For Baked Goods

Industry is meeting calls to increase fiber content head-on, with products incorporating fiber ingredients on the rise. Innova Market Insights tracked a 50% increase in the number of fiber-containing products in 2009 and 2010, compared to 2008. Innova Market Insights also tracked 8.6% more launches containing whole-grain ingredients from 2009 to 2010.

Product launches making an actual “added fiber” claim are holding steady. Innova Market Insights tracked 57 products worldwide featuring an “added fiber” claim in the first quarter of 2011, compared to 60 in the first quarter of 2010. Notably, recent launch activity from major manufacturers such as General Mills and Kellogg’s suggests the fiber trend is now entering the sweet bakery segment.

U.S. launches to meet fiber demand will continue to rise, thanks in part to government calls for increasing fiber and whole-grain consumption. The United States accounted for 39% of all launches using fiber as an ingredient tracked in 2010—well ahead of the number two and three markets: the UK (12%) and Italy (10%).

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