Plant Branding 101: Things To Know About Plants And Millennials

As college students interested and actively involved in the horticulture industry,we have noticed there have been several studies conducted to figure out what attracts “Millennials” to plants and gardening. While many of these studies provide accurate information about our preferences as consumers, there is very little explanation for the thoughts that go behind each observation.

According to the Pew Research Center, Millennials make up the largest generation in the United States labor force and have, in general, a higher level of education than previous generations. We are the next group of affluent consumers in today’s market and have an enormous amount of purchasing power in today’s economy.

By understanding the thoughts and ideas that are behind every purchase, the industry can better target our generation. In this article, we want to provide the industry with 11 things that go into our decision-making process in regard to buying plants.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Floral Endowment