ABA Satisfied With FDA's Timeline For Transition To PHO Alternatives

ABA is disappointed that FDA chose a novel approach to address partially hydrogenated oils through a GRAS determination instead of a more appropriate formal rulemaking that requires thorough economic, environmental, and small business impact analyses. Short changing the regular rulemaking process deprived FDA of critically important stakeholder feedback and data collection. ABA supports FDA’s intent of further reducing exposure to trans fats and applauds its members for their tremendous efforts over the past decade to significantly reduce trans fats in bakery products.

Nonetheless, ABA is pleased that the Agency was responsive to its strong recommendations for an orderly transition by providing a three-year compliance period. This action provides bakers and other food makers adequate time to further formulate to other, healthier alternative, as well as address a number of practical challenges including packaging changes and availability. ABA and its members are appreciative that FDA recognizes the complexity of this issue.


About the American Bakers Association:

The American Bakers Association (ABA) is the Washington D.C.-based voice of the wholesale baking industry. Since 1897, ABA has represented the interests of bakers before the U.S. Congress, federal agencies, and international regulatory authorities. ABA advocates on behalf of more than 700 baking facilities and baking company suppliers. ABA members produce bread, rolls, crackers, bagels, sweet goods, tortillas and many other wholesome, nutritious, baked products for America’s families. The baking industry generates more than $102 billion in economic activity annually and employs more than 706,000 highly skilled people.

Source: American Bakers Association