Bitterroot Bison Farm Accepted Into Certified Humane Program

HERNDON, Va. – Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC), the leading international non-profit certification organization improving the lives of millions of farm animals in food production, announced this week that Bitterroot Bison is a the first bison producer who has been accepted into the Certified Humane® Raised and Handled® program.

Located on a 300-acre ranch in the Bitterroot Valley, near Lolo, Montana, Bitterroot Bison has been raising bison for more than 14 years.

"We really love our animals and raise them on grass and not feed lots," said Troy Westre, partner at Bitterroot Bison. "We raise them as natural as possible for the health and welfare of the animal."

Westre applied to HFAC's Certified Humane® program earlier this year. "People are getting more health conscious," said Westre. "They want to eat local and know where their food was raised."

According to Adele Douglass, executive Director for HFAC, Bitterroot Bison passed all of the Certified Humane ®qualifications and can now use the Certified Humane® label on their food products. The Certified Humane® label assures consumers that farm animals are raised where they can express their natural behaviors and move around freely, and without the use of antibiotics, growth hormones or animal by-products.

Endorsed by 66 humane organizations, the Certified Humane® Raised and Handled® program is nationally recognized as the Gold Standard for certifying animal welfare from birth through slaughter. Producer compliance with the HFAC standards is verified through annual on-site visits by HFAC's third-party inspectors.

To learn more about Bitterroot Bison, visit

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About Humane Farm Animal Care

Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is the leading international non-profit certification organization improving the lives of farm animals in food production. The Certified Humane® designation assures consumers that meat, poultry, egg, or dairy products they purchase have been produced according to HFAC's precise standards for humane farm animal treatment. Animals must receive a nutritious diet without antibiotics or hormones and must be raised with shelter, resting areas and space sufficient to support natural behavior. Since the HFAC program was unveiled in May 2003, more than 110 companies, representing thousands of farms and millions of farm animals, have been certified. Learn more about HFAC at

Source: Humane Farm Animal Care