Hazel Tech Launches New Kiwifruit Technology to Zespri Growers

June 19, 2020 Hazel Technologies

Hazel Technologies announces it will be supporting New Zealand-based Zespri International, the world’s largest marketer of kiwifruit, through the commercial launch of Hazel™ Trex, a new technology brought to market by Hazel designed to improve kiwifruit orchard performance and increasing orchard efficiency.

Zespri’s First Shipment of SunGold Sets Sail for Japan

March 18, 2020 Zespri   

The first of a planned 47 charter vessels carrying new season Zespri Kiwifruit to offshore consumers has left Tauranga Harbour bound for Japan.

Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure Launched

February 20, 2020 Zespri

Zespri, ASICS and the Young and Healthy Charitable Trust have launched the 2020 Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure aimed at encouraging primary children and their families to eat better, exercise more and to lead more environmentally conscious lives.

Zespri Welcomes Successful Defense of IP Rights of Kiwifruit Growers

February 14, 2020 Zespri Group Ltd  

Zespri has welcomed the successful result of legal action taken against a former kiwifruit grower who took Zespri’s protected plant material to China where it has continued to spread, as well as the awarding of almost $ 15 million in damages.

Zespri Reveals Sustainability Commitments Including Move to 100 Percent Recyclable, Reusable or Compostable Packaging by 2025

February 13, 2020 Zespri

The announcement is one of a suite of sustainability commitments shared today with growers, consumers and suppliers at the New Zealand kiwifruit industry’s marquee conference – Momentum 2020: Standing Up and Standing Out.