French Cheese Loses out to American and British Products at ‘Cheese Oscars’

October 28, 2019 The Local

French produce has lost out at the World Cheese Awards – to a cheese from America and a British Cheddar.

Emmi Roth Takes Home 12 Awards at 2019 World Cheese Awards

October 24, 2019 Emmi Roth

Emmi Roth received twelve awards for their Wisconsin-made and Swiss-imported cheeses this weekend at the 2019 World Cheese Awards in Bergamo, Italy, including two Super Gold awards for their signature Alpine-style cheeses.

Vermont Cheesemakers Take Home Awards at The World Cheese Awards In Bergamo, Italy

October 23, 2019 Vermont Cheese Council

The 2019 World Cheese Awards competition hosted by The Guild of Fine Food in the UK saw seven Vermont cheesemakers along with collaborations with Wegmans Markets in Syracuse, NY and Crown Finish Caves in Brooklyn, NY awarded 19 medals in multiple categories, including two gold medals forCellars at Jasper Hill Farm for Bayley Hazen Blue and Moses Sleeper.

Quicke’s Wins Four Prizes at The World Cheese Awards in Italy

October 23, 2019 Quicke’s

UK-based cheesemaker, Quicke’s has landed four honours at the World Cheese Awards in Bergamo, with its multi award-winning Goat’s Milk Clothbound Cheese achieving a Gold rating for the third year running.