APHIS Confirms Detection of Phytophthora ramorum-Infected Plants in Commerce

July 11, 2019 USDA APHIS

The infected rhododendron plants were part of a larger shipment that originated from nurseries in Washington State and Canada. APHIS is working with officials from those locations to trace the distribution of plants from this shipment, which were sent to 18 states.

USDA Issues Notice of Decision to Revise Conditions of Importation For Fresh Peppers From the Republic of Korea

May 15, 2019 USDA APHIS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is advising the public of its decision to modify the conditions of importation for peppers from Korea. We have decided that the mesh size of screenings over vent openings can be increased from 0.6 mm to 1.6 mm, provided that sticky traps are used as an additional measure for pest monitoring.

APHIS Seeks Comment on the Importation of Fresh Jujube Fruit from China

March 25, 2019 USDA APHIS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has prepared and is accepting comments on a pest risk analysis regarding the importation of fresh jujube fruit from China into the continental United States.