United Fresh Commends USDA AMS on Launch of New “Buy Fresh” Produce Purchasing Program

On a webinar, USDA’s Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) shared the details of the new “Buy Fresh” program to purchase $ 100 million per month in fresh produce from regional and local distributors whose workforce has been significantly impacted by the closure of restaurants, hotels, and other food service entities.

USDA Granted Summary Judgment in R-CALF USA Case

April 8, 2020 USDA AMS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the Montana Federal District Court granted USDA summary judgment in the case of the Ranchers-Cattleman Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) vs. USDA. In the suit, R-CALF USA alleged the use of industry assessments collected by state beef councils for advertising and promotional materials violated the First Amendment rights of beef producers.

USDA Provides Flexibility to Shell Egg Industry to Shift Supply from Foodservice to Retail Outlets

March 27, 2020 USDA AMS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is taking immediate action to assist the American egg industry in redistributing the current inventory of safe, high quality table eggs from foodservice warehouses to retail distribution to support the surge in consumer demand for this staple food.

USDA Offers Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act FAQs Related to the COVID-19 Impact on the Fruit and Vegetable Industry

March 25, 2020 USDA AMS

The PACA does allow for flexibility in the way a seller and buyer can work together to resolve payment issues. However, sellers need to ensure that they don’t unintentionally forfeit their status as a trust beneficiary when trying to work with a buyer who is unable to make full payment in accordance with the original contract terms.

USDA Announces April 4 Start Date for Inspections Under Suspension Agreement on Fresh Tomatoes from Mexico

March 23, 2020 USDA AMS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today issued a reminder that the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) will begin inspections of tomatoes coming into the United States from Mexico at border locations on April 4, 2020.