UP Products, LLC, DBA Meyer Wholesale Recalls Ready-To-Eat and Raw Sausage Products Due to Misbranding and Undeclared Allergen

The problem was discovered during routine FSIS in-plant verification activities when FSIS personnel observed that soy, a known allergen, was being used as an ingredient and was not declared on the finished product label.

IDFA’s Michael Dykes and Becky Rasdall Vargas Reappointed to USDA and USTR Trade Advisory Committees

The APAC and six ATACs advise the Secretary of Agriculture and the U.S. Trade Representative about a wide range of agricultural trade issues. Terms are for four years.

Breadfruit: A Tasty, Versatile Fruit With Great Growth Potential

A popular fruit in the Caribbean breadfruit is gaining interest worldwide. With its low maintenance, high yields and taste, breadfruit is classified as an underutilized fruit with great economic potential.

How are Changing Dairy Habits in the U.S. Impacting our Health?

Americans are now eating more cheese than ever before, but, at the same time, we’re drinking less milk.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Awards $306 Million in Avian Flu Monitoring and Preparedness Funding

While CDC’s assessment of the risk of avian influenza to the general public remains low, USDA and HHS continue to closely collaborate with Federal, State, local, industry and other stakeholders to protect human health, animal health, and food safety.