USApple Launches 2023-24 Apples4Ed Grant Program

October 27, 2023 US Apple Association

The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) announces the launch of the 2023-24 Apples4Ed grant program. This USApple charitable initiative supports healthy eating projects in public schools across the country. Five $5,000 grants will be given to schools that are bringing awareness to nutrition and exposing students to a wider variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

2023-24 Apple Production Will Exceed 10.5 Billion Pounds

Consumers will have a plentiful supply of apples in 2023, as the U.S. apple industry continues to perform well, according to a new report released by the U.S. Apple Association (USApple) at the organization’s 128th annual Outlook Conference in Chicago.

USApple Board at White House to Discuss Trade, Ag Labor

June 8, 2023 U.S. Apple

The U.S. Apple Association’s Board of Directors met this morning with White House policy staff at the White House to discuss critical issues impacting the apple industry. Sixteen USApple board members from across the country met with Joan Hurst, director for agricultural affairs at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and Kelliann Blazek, special assistant to the president for agriculture and rural policy.

USApple Board at White House to Discuss Trade, Ag Labor

March 16, 2023 US Apple Association

The U.S. Apple Association’s Board of Directors met this morning with White House policy staff at the White House to discuss critical issues impacting the apple industry. Sixteen USApple board members from across the country met with Joan Hurst, director for agricultural affairs at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and Kelliann Blazek, special assistant to the president for agriculture and rural policy. The loss of exports, agriculture labor, and renewal of the farm bill were top of discussion.

USApple Promotes Mitchell Liwanag to Manager of Environmental Affairs

February 24, 2023 U.S. Apple Association

The U.S. Apple Association today announced the promotion of Mitchell Liwanag to Manager of Environmental Affairs. In his new role, Liwanag will represent USApple in matters concerning the environment, including pesticides, water, energy, climate and stewardship, as well as identify new areas for the organization to engage and participate in the areas of sustainability and the climate.