Instant access to the International Statistics – Flowers and Plants 2021

The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) in association with Union Fleurs, the International Flower Trade Association, announces the 69th version of the International Statistics – Flowers and Plants 2021.

BBC Documentary: “Made on Earth: Road to Recovery – Flowers”

November 30, 2020 Union Fleurs

Union Fleurs Secretary General Sylvie Mamias recently took part in a BBC documentary that explores how the global flower supply-chain has dealth with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

AIPH, CIOPORA And Union Fleurs Call For Reason and Fairness Regarding Payments of Royalties in 2020

Growers and breeders of ornamental plants and flowers are being called upon to show fairness and understanding as the time comes for growers to pay their royalty payments to breeders.

EU-Wide Survey Provides a First Estimate of the Brutal Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the European Flower & Live Plants Sector (March-April 2020)

June 16, 2020 Union Fleurs

The four organisations representing the various segments of the sector in the EU (UNION FLEURS, ENA, AREFLH and COPA-COGECA), have joined forces and mobilised their member organisations across EU Member States to collect structured inputs in order to measure the exact impact of COVID-19 on the sector during the peak of the crisis in March and April 2020.

Letter From 50 Meps Calling For EU Support To The Flower & Plants Sector

May 11, 2020 Union Fleurs

Union Fleurs is very appreciative of the active involvement of the many Members of the European Parliament who have called upon the European Commission to help the EU flowers and live plants sector in a more effective and impactful way.