American Dairy Association North East, Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program Seek ‘Chief Ice Cream Officer’ For Ice Cream Road Trip

The CIO will be paid $5,000 to travel across the state in July to visit about 20 on-farm creameries (the list is being finalized). The assignment is to submit video blogs, or vlogs, about their visits, document their journey across the Commonwealth, and create positive dairy content for ADA North East and Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program social media channels. 

Sun World Acts Against Chinese Infringement on TikTok Social Media Platform

Sun World became aware of unauthorized individuals attempting to misrepresent the company on TikTok, falsely claiming association with Sun World and promoting fraudulent services under the guise of providing technical support for AUTUMNCRISP®, a successful and highly demanded proprietary green seedless table grape variety developed and owned by Sun World.

Wish Farms’ Pink-A-Boo Pineberries are “Taking TikTok By Storm”

March 29, 2022 Wish Farms

Plant City based, international grower and year-round marketer of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and pineberries, Wish Farms, is sharing the latest on Pink-A-Boo Pineberries®.

Oikos Triple Zero Challenges Fans to Share Their Grocery Carrying Strength on TikTok With #OikosOneTrip

October 5, 2020 Danone North America

Oikos® Triple Zero, the Official Yogurt of the NFL, has debuted its TikTok channel and launched the #OikosOneTrip challenge to bring the brand’s Stronger Makes Everything Better™ platform to life alongside the start of the NFL season.