Viva Fresh and DMA Solutions Offer Tools Connecting Students with Ag Industry

February 11, 2021 DMA Solutions

As the trend has shown for the past 11 months – things are a little different this year – and Viva Fresh’s Aggies for Fresh is no exception. The popular partnership with DMA Solutions (DMA) is back for the sixth year to virtually connect industry professionals to Texas A&M students.

Viva Fresh Expo Launches Clean Eating Challenge 2.0

After the success of last year’s Clean Eating Challenge, Viva Fresh launched its second annual health and wellness campaign on October 1. The challenge will continue until the 2021 Viva Fresh Expo on March 26-27, 2021 at the Gaylord Texan in Dallas.

Pharr International Bridge Hosts “Start of the Produce Season 2020-2021”

A celebration for the “Start of the Produce Season 2020-2021” was held on October 8, 2020 at the Pharr International Bridge, which seems appropriate for a bridge that crossed 190,174 fresh produce truckloads in FY2020 – more than any other international bridge in the US.

Viva Fresh Expo Welcomes 2021 with Hybrid Expo Model

The Texas International Produce Association is pleased to announce that the 2021 Viva Fresh Produce Expo will proceed as a hybrid event to include both in-person and virtual components that offer solutions for all attendees.

Viva Fresh Expo Wants YOU: Join the Second Annual Clean Eating Challenge!

September 10, 2020 Viva Fresh Produce Expo

Many in the produce industry kept up with participants from this year’sViva Fresh Clean Eating Challenge as they lost more than 160 pounds collectively from November 2019 to March 2020 by putting fruits and vegetables center plate. Their results were something to be proud of, particularly when you realize they achieved this during the holidays and a worldwide pandemic.