Tesco Farmed Decapod Crustacean Welfare Policy

August 21, 2024 Tesco

This policy covers practices applied during capture, on-board holding/sorting, landing, storage, transport, slaughter and the general handling of farmed decapod crustaceans. It will also reference our Tesco Welfare Approved standard for some farming specific practices, and should be read in conjunction with our overarching Animal Welfare Policy.

Oceana Canada Report Reveals the Hidden Consequences of Canada’s Opaque Seafood Supply Chains

November 6, 2020 Oceana Canada

A report featuring new data from leading fisheries economists released today by Oceana Canada reveals that Canada’s weak seafood supply chain traceability standards are resulting in annual losses of up to $ 93.8 million in tax revenue and up to $ 379 million in revenue for Canadian seafood industry workers.