South Africa’s Stone Fruit Industry Launches Second Annual Consumer Promotion in the USA

February 3, 2025 Hortgro

Hortgro will connect with target audiences in the areas where the product will be available via online advertising through social media to drive demand for plums and encourage shoppers to participate in the sweepstakes. South African plums can be found at Costco, Sam’s Club and Wegman’s with high saturation in the northeast region.

Homegrown Organic Farms Shares 2023 Display Contests Winners

December 20, 2023 Homegrown Organic Farms

Homegrown Organic Farms, an employee-owned fresh fruit marketer and shipper, has announced the winners of their 2023 in-store display contests at participating Four Seasons Produce stores. This year, HGO organized two contest promotions for organic stone fruit and organic grapes.

Family Tree Farms Announces New Sales Manager

February 2, 2023 Family Tree Farms

An exciting promotion has taken place at Family Tree Farms as the new year begins. The stone fruit and blueberry supplier has named Ryan Howard as the new Sales Manager, effective immediately.

Partnership Shares Genetics for Earlier Ripening Sweet Cherries

Sun World International, a global fruit genetics and licensing company, and Washington State University have joined forces to develop a new generation of high flavor sweet cherries that ripen earlier and are more practical to grow.

Fruit World Reports High Quality, but Lower Volume, for Early Season Central Valley Stone Fruit

May 23, 2022 Fruit World

Fruit World, a family-owned, values-driven grower-shipper of organic and conventional fruit, has been harvesting and shipping delicious organic apricots and cherries since mid-April from their Central Valley orchards. “The March freeze tempered early stone fruit production volumes throughout California, especially compared to the banner year we had in 2021,” explained CJ Buxman, Fruit World co-founder. “Fortunately, the fruit that set is looking good, and all our ranches are yielding great product.”