Stemilt’s 5 River Islands Cherries Delight Consumers with Quality, Flavor and a Magical Story

June 19, 2023 Stemilt

Inspired by its unique growing locale, 5 River Islands™ cherries from Stemilt are a sweet addition to any produce department this season. Starting this week in June, a premium pack of California’s largest and most flavorful dark-sweet cherries are sure to delight consumers. With 5 River Islands™ cherries, it’s all about sharing the story behind these magical morsels.

Peirone Connects Growers and Consumers with Taste Local Truck Trailer Campaign

June 15, 2023 Stemilt

As a part of its Taste Local campaign, Peirone unveiled a new truck trailer featuring 4th generation orchardist, Kaitlyn Thornton, to drive awareness about the growers behind its products during a retailer meeting on June 9. Peirone President and CEO, Mike Kamphaus, strives to help customers share the story behind locally grown produce with consumers in the Northwest.

Interns Search for Employment After Graduating the First Project SEARCH Program at Stemilt

June 13, 2023 Stemilt

The first 7 interns to participate in the Project SEARCH program at Stemilt are searching for new employment opportunities after graduating June 6. Eastmont Transition Coordinator, Michelle Sadewasser, and Stemilt Director of Human Resources, Zach Williams, discuss how Project SEARCH, a transition to work program that helps secure competitive employment for people with disabilities, has prepared the interns to find employment at Stemilt, in the community, and in continuing education.  

Stemilt Offers Retailers Advice for Navigating 2023 Washington Cherry Crop

June 2, 2023 Stemilt

With Washington cherries on the way, Stemilt is expecting much greater volume this year. The grower expects a steady supply of its Washington cherries will make opportunity for promotion during peak volumes in July. Stemilt vice president of sales and marketing, Mike Taylor, explains the crop will be 10 days later than last year, but if retailers hang on, they’ll see great success this season.

Stemilt’s 2023 Washington Apricot Crop Brings Promotable Volume and Increased Size

May 31, 2023 Stemilt

Promising blooms and strong cell division action means Stemilt’s Washington apricot crop will bring big fruit this year. Apricots are back mid-June through July with promotion windows starting July 4th onwards. Stemilt senior sales manager, Brian Evans, anticipates quality and size will increase during this year’s apricot season and shares how retailers can promote apricots mid-June.