Brianna Shales to be Stemilt’s New Marketing Director

December 9, 2020 Stemilt

Stemilt is happy to announce their very own, Brianna Shales, current senior marketing manager, will be Stemilt’s new marketing director starting January 1, 2021. Shales, who’s been with Stemilt for 13 years, will follow the footsteps of Roger Pepperl, who is retiring after over 20 years with the company.

Stemilt’s Fast Facts: The Cast Reveals Apple Dollar & Volume Down, Club Varieties Rise in November Data Set

December 7, 2020 Stemilt

This month’s Fruit Tracker’s Fast Facts: The Cast video analysis featuring Stemilt’s Roger Pepperl and Brianna Shales reveals that apple volumes and dollars were down year-over-year for a second time. The Nielsen retail scan data ending on November 21 shows volume is down 1.7 percent, indicating this may be an ongoing trend in the data this year.

Roger Pepperl Set to Retire After 40 Years of Produce Innovation

December 1, 2020 Stemilt

Produce marketer and former retail buyer/merchandiser, Roger Pepperl, is retiring after a 40-year career spent elevating the produce experience for shoppers through innovation, branding, and storytelling. Pepperl has spent 20 years as marketing director for Stemilt, a tree fruit leader based in Wenatchee, Wash.

Stemilt Recognizes Two Students with Exclusive Thomas K. Mathison Memorial Scholarship

November 25, 2020 Stemilt

While the pandemic certainly changed the course of the year, it has not altered Stemilt’s efforts to partner with the Washington Apple Education Foundation (WAEF) to award students of local agriculture families scholarships to pursue their secondary education goals.

Stemilt Takes You to the Tropics With Piñata Apples

November 16, 2020 Stemilt

The apple with the tropical twist is currently being packed and shipped to stores around the nation, just in time for the upcoming holiday season.