Stemilt Spotlights Apple and Pear Dollar Growth in February Fast Facts

March 8, 2021 Stemilt

Apples continued their dollars up and volume down trajectory and experienced a 1.2 percent growth in dollars compared to the 12 weeks. The pear category was up 13 percent in dollars and 6 percent in volume over the latest 12 weeks.

The Proof is in the Numbers: d’Anjou Pears From Stemilt Make for Successful Sales

February 24, 2021 Stemilt

According to Stemilt’s Fruit Tracker™ analysis of Nielsen retail scan data, d’Anjou pears made up one-third of category dollars and volume in 2020.

Stemilt’s Fast Facts Analysis Presents Plenty of Apple Promotion Opportunities for Retailers

February 8, 2021 Stemilt

Stemilt’s marketing director, Brianna Shales, and communications manager, Katie Harmon, analyze the most recent data during Fast Facts: The Cast video analysis with the data conveying there is plenty of promotional opportunity retailers can capitalize on in the coming months.

Stemilt’s Fuji Apples Shines Bright in Snowy WA State

February 4, 2021 Stemilt

Although it’s snowy and cold in Washington State, Stemilt’s beautiful Artisan Organics™ Fuji apples shine bright on packing lines this week. Stemilt is a long-time leader in the Fuji category, growing high-color strains like Aztec and a freshness focus delivered by its supply and demand forecasting program to pack Fuji’s fresh to order.

Pinata Apples: Culinary Delight & Star of the Show

January 25, 2021 Stemilt

Prepared to be the star of the show, the apple with the extraordinary culinary attributes is ready to shine during two upcoming holidays: National Pinata Day and Cinco de Mayo. A Stemilt exclusive variety, Piñata® apples make an excellent promotion opportunity for retailers in the spring months.