Measure to Improve Supports SQFI on new SQF Sustainability Addendum for Integrated Pest Management

July 31, 2024 Measure to Improve

Measure to Improve, the fresh produce industry’s go-to sustainability experts, is excited to announce the collaboration with SQFI on a new SQF Sustainability Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Addendum for Pollinator Protection that can be used alongside the SQF Food Safety Code: Primary Plant Production for certification. This collaboration demonstrates Measure to Improve’s and SQFI’s leadership in finding collaborative solutions to promote sustainable agriculture, protect essential pollinators, and help growers incorporate emerging IPM demands with existing food safety structures they are already familiar with.

Financial Operational Leader Jeff Schadler Joins SQFI

The Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI), a division of FMI – The Food Industry Association, announces the appointment of Jeff Schadler as director, financial planning and business analysis. In his new role, Jeff will guide the SQFI team on the development and execution of financial strategies, as well as collaborate on revenue, for the global food safety and quality certification and management program.

FMI Welcomes Gigi Vita as Vice President of SQFI Sales

Food Marketing Institute (FMI) is pleased to announce the appointment of Gigi Vita as the vice president of sales for the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI). Vita will be responsible for managing the entire sales division of SQFI.