Southern Shrimp Alliance Releases Updated Databases for 2021 Documenting Antibiotic-Contaminated Shrimp Import Rejections

January 22, 2021 Southern Shrimp Alliance

As part of its “Know Your Supplier” initiative, the Southern Shrimp Alliance today released updated databases providing detailed information regarding shrimp imports rejected from the European Union, Japan, and the United States because of the presence of banned antibiotics.

IPR Center Bestows 2020 Partnership Award on the Southern Shrimp Alliance for Combating Trade Fraud Crimes in Inaugural Awards Ceremony

November 25, 2020 Southern Shrimp Alliance

The Southern Shrimp Alliance was recognized for its contributions over many years to Trade Fraud Enforcement in a variety of different areas related to the importation of shrimp.

Half Way Through 2020, Gulf Shrimp Landings at All-Time Lows

July 28, 2020 Southern Shrimp Alliance

The Fishery Monitoring Branch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries’ Southeast Fisheries Science Center released shrimp landings data from the Gulf of Mexico for the month of June.

2019 Saw Recovery in the South Atlantic Shrimp Industry, Decline in the Gulf

Data for commercial landings in the Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic for calendar year 2019 have now been made available by the Gulf State Fisheries Information Network of the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission and the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program.

Update on the SBA Paycheck Protection Program for the Shrimp Industry

April 23, 2020 Southern Shrimp Alliance

The Southern Shrimp Alliance has been working on the national, local and individual levels to ensure the many small businesses that comprise the US the shrimp industry have access to, and are fully informed on how to access federal coronavirus response programs – in particular, the Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).