Which Countries Continue to Use Antibiotics in Shrimp Aquaculture? The EU, Japan, and the United States All Find the Same Thing: India and Vietnam

As part of its “Know Your Supplier” initiative, the Southern Shrimp Alliance annually updates databases providing detailed information regarding shrimp imports rejected from the European Union, Japan, and the United States due to the presence of banned antibiotics. 

Southern Shrimp Alliance (SSA): Early Adopter Program for Members

The Early Adopter Program is being coordinated by LGL Ecological Research Associates, a long-time scientific partner of the shrimping industry.

FDA Refuses Antibiotic Contaminated Shrimp from 2 BAP-Certified Processors and Continues to Reject Short-Weighted Indonesian Shrimp

November 11, 2024 Southern Shrimp Alliance

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released detailed data regarding fifty-seven (57) seafood entry line refusals in October, of which five (8.8%) were for shrimp for reasons related to banned antibiotics, along with an additional entry line refusal of shrimp for the same reason in September that was not previously reported.

Southern Shrimp Alliance Welcomes NOAA Fisheries’ Confirmation that U.S. Wild-Caught Shrimp Is the Sustainable Choice

November 6, 2024 Southern Shrimp Alliance

Shrimp is, far and away, the most popular seafood in America. As NOAA Fisheries explains, “now about one-quarter of the seafood Americans eat is shrimp.” Yet, despite Americans’ love of shrimp, the U.S. shrimp industry is struggling. NOAA Fisheries notes that despite the fact that landings volumes were roughly the same in 2023 as they were in 2022, “[p]reliminary data from the Gulf of Mexico show that the industry sold $329 million of wild-caught shrimp in 2022 and that revenue dropped to $204 million in 2023 – a 38 percent drop.” 

Enforcement of Section 609 Program Improving Foreign Commercial Fishery Practices

Under the program, the State Department, working with officials from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) Fisheries, certifies countries and/or individual fisheries as being in compliance with Section 609’s requirements and therefore eligible to supply the U.S. market with shrimp.