Acme Smoked Fish Foundation Awards $120,000 to Climate Change Innovators in The Seafood Industry

September 20, 2022 Acme Smoked Fish Corporation

Acme Smoked Fish Foundation today announced the first grant recipients of the Seafood Industry Climate Awards. Each recipient will receive a $40,000 grant this year to support an innovation focused on lowering the carbon footprint within the seafood industry and/or increasing the leadership role of underrepresented groups in the industry.  The first three award recipients are Mi’kmaq Nation in Maine, Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, and Luke’s Seafood.

Haifa Smoked Fish Inc Expands Recall of Turbot Cold Smoked 8 oz Package Lots # 97, 223, 299, 321 Because of Possible Health Risk

December 30, 2021 FDA

HAIFA SMOKED FISH of Jamaica, NY is expanding their recall of Turbot Cold Smoked 8 oz Packages to include 920 LB of Turbot from Lots 97, 223, 299, 321. The products have the potential to be contaminated with Listeria.

Haifa Smoked Fish Inc Recalls Turbot Cold Smoked 8 oz Package Lot # 246 Because of Possible Health Risk

December 22, 2021 FDA

HAIFA SMOKED FISH of Jamaica, NY is recalling approximately 230 LB OF TURBOT COLD SMOKED 8 OZ PACKAGES LOT # 246, because it has the potential to be contaminated with Listeria.

Banner Smoked Fish Expands Recalls Smoked Fish Products, Salads, Pickled Fish Products, and Cream Sauce Products Because of Possible Health Risk

June 7, 2021 FDA

Banner Smoked Fish, Inc. of Brooklyn, NY is voluntarily expending recalling its SMOKED FISH, SALADS, PICKLED FISH PRODUCTS, and CREAM SAUCE PRODUCTS of all products within expiry, in all package sizes, all package types and all lots.

Banner Smoked Fish Recalls Smoked Fish Products Because of Possible Health Risk

June 4, 2021 FDA

Banner Smoked Fish, Inc. of Brooklyn, NY is voluntarily recalling its SMOKED FISH (product names and photos of labels are listed below) of all products within expiry, in all package sizes, all package types and all lots. The recall is because the products have the potential to be contaminated with Listeria.