There Have Been 2,600 Violations of Louisiana’s Imported Shrimp Law — And No Fines

Health inspectors have recorded more than 2,600 violations of a 2019 Louisiana law that requires restaurants and other food establishments to indicate on their menus if they’re selling imported shrimp or crawfish, but the state hasn’t levied a single fine for those violations since the law took effect. 

Commercial Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Season Opens Saturday, July 15

The Gulf of Mexico commercial shrimp season for state and federal waters will reopen 30 minutes after sunset on Saturday, July 15, 2023. Biologists evaluate the biological, social and economic impacts when determining the opening date to maximize the benefits to the industry and the public.

Shrimpers Upset Over Closure of Ice House: “Delcambre is at a Loss Without Ice.”

June 7, 2023 Dawson Damico,

Delcambre shrimpers are upset over the unexpected closure of the ice house at Ocean’s Harvest Wholesale.

South Carolina Shrimp Trawling Season Now Open

June 6, 2023 Daniel Island News

South Carolina’s favorite seafood will soon be more widely available at docks and markets along the coast as commercial shrimp trawling opened in all legal South Carolina waters on June 1.

American Shrimp Processors Association Applauds International Trade Commission for Maintaining Antidumping Orders on Imported Shrimp

The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) voted today to maintain Antidumping Orders on unfairly traded imported shrimp from China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam. The vote was taken in connection with the Third Five Year Sunset Review on the shrimp antidumping orders. All five ITC Commissioners voted unanimously that the US shrimp industry would likely continue to suffer material injury if the antidumping orders were removed.