Scholarships Awarded by California Table Grape Growers

Seven students from the table grape growing regions of California earned scholarships awarded by California table grape growers. Growers awarded two $25,000 field worker scholarships to students attending a four-year college or university. Two $14,500 field worker bridge scholarships were awarded to students attending two years of community college and transferring to a four-year college or university.

Bobalu Berry Farms Awards 14 Scholarships Supporting 2024 High School Graduation Season

May 29, 2024 Bobalu Berry Farms

This year, Bobalu Berry Farms converted the application process to an online format allowing students easier access to complete applications and submit qualifying documentation. The company also expanded the incentive for employee children to apply by increasing communication at the farm offices and adapting the online enrollment form to include employee documentation. With over 40 applications, the staff scholarship committee had a difficult time selecting award recipients.

Bobalu Berries Supports High School Graduation Season Awarding 23 Scholarships

June 2, 2023 Bobalu Berries

This marks the second year Bobalu Berries has awarded scholarships to graduating high school seniors.  The company’s scholarship program was expanded for 2023 offering scholarship opportunities to students at high schools in both Oxnard and Santa Maria, CA. The response was overwhelming.

Two Scholarships Available For Dairy Promoters From American Dairy Association North East Region

American Dairy Association North East is offering two scholarships for college students who have completed one year of post-secondary education and are interested in agriculture, dairy product marketing, dairy manufacturing, agricultural communications, journalism or dairy product nutrition. Applications are due by December 31.

2023 WAEF Scholarship Applications Opens

The Washington Apple Education Foundation (WAEF) is proud to announce their 2023 WAEF scholarship applications are live today, September 15, 2022, and accessible at