What You Should Know About the Seasonality of Seafood in Maine

Knowing seafood’s seasons is important “for the same reasons that it’s important for people to know that there are seasons in farmed products,” said Monique Coombs, who oversees marine programs and fishing community engagement​ at the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association.

Peconic Bay Scallop Die-Off on Long Island Leads to Federal Disaster Declaration

July 13, 2021 J.D. ALLEN, WSHU

Federal regulators have declared a fishery disaster following a massive scallop die-off over the last two years in eastern Long Island.

D’Artagnan Makes a Splash with New Sustainable Seafood Selection

June 3, 2021 D’Artagnan

D’Artagnan, the trusted expert in sustainable proteins and the purveyor of choice to top chefs across the nation for the last 35+ years, has taken a dive into the waters of sustainable seafood. This expansion is in direct response to consumer’s growing culinary sophistication and interest in responsibly sourced proteins being conveniently delivered to their homes.

Maine Scallop Closures Announced

March 16, 2021 The Ellsworth American

The Maine Department of Marine Resources has instituted an emergency scallop fishing closure in the St. Croix River in Zone 3; and expanded existing closures in Frenchman Bay, Swan’s Island and Isle au Haut rotational areas.

Maine’s Richest Scallop Fishing Grounds Closed for Year

February 15, 2021 Associated Press

Maine fishing regulators are closing the state’s richest scallop fishing grounds in the coming days.