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Kvarøy Arctic Donates Over 17,000 Pounds Of Salmon To New York Nonprofit Rethink Food

February 25, 2021 Kvarøy Arctic

Family-owned sustainable salmon farmer Kvarøy Arctic becomes the first large-scale seafood donation partner for New York-based Rethink Food with its commitment to donate monthly shipments of its salmon to the nonprofit’s Commissary and Café throughout 2021.

Cargill Seeks Acquisitions to Enter $400 Billion Fish Market

February 19, 2021 Isis Almeida, Bloomberg

The world’s largest agricultural commodities trader is scouting for deals to access the $400 billion global fish market.

Kvarøy Arctic is the Premiere Seafood Supplier Available via Pod Foods

February 17, 2021 Kvarøy Arctic

Beginning on February 23, 2021, family-owned sustainable salmon purveyor Kvarøy Arctic takes its place as the first and only seafood supplier available to retailers nationwide via Pod Foods.

Grieg Seafoods Continues Building at Marystown Salmon Farm Site Despite Slow Sales

February 16, 2021 Barb Dean-Simmons, Telegram

Another building is finished at the Grieg NL site in Marystown and cages are almost ready to go into the water in Placentia Bay.

CFIA: One Ocean Brand Sliced Smoked Wild Sockeye Salmon Recalled Due to Listeria Monocytogenes

The food recall warning issued on January 27, 2021 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) food safety investigation.