FISH FACTOR: Pink Surge, Strong Sockeye Harvest Beats 2021 Forecast

Alaska’s 2021 salmon harvest has blown past the forecast and by Aug. 27 had topped 201 million fish, well above the 190 million projected at the start of the season.

Blumar Releases Its First Salmon Brand Raised Without Antibiotics: Laguna Blanca

September 1, 2021 BluGlacier

Under the premise of uniting its sustainability and business strategies, Chilean salmon producer Blumar launched Laguna Blanca, its first brand raised without antibiotics, to continue to generate actions that allow a sustainable development of salmon aquaculture.

New Partnership Will Highlight Nutritional Benefits of Bristol Bay Salmon to Babies and Toddlers

August 30, 2021 Alaska Business

Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC), Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association (BBRSDA), and Bambino’s Baby Food are excited to announce a new partnership to promote nutritious Bristol Bay wild salmon to families around the world.

Opponents of Aquaculture Operation in Belfast Go to Court

August 25, 2021 Associated Press

Opponents of Nordic Aquafarms are suing over the Belfast City Council’s unanimous decision to use eminent domain to get an easement across a piece of disputed mudflat.

Fish Factor: Statewide Salmon Harvest Far Exceeds 2020 Catch

Alaska’s salmon landings have passed the season’s midpoint and by Aug. 7 the statewide catch had topped 116 million fish. State managers are calling for a projected total 2021 harvest of 190 million salmon, a 61% increase over 2020.