B.C. Salmon Abundance ‘A Sixth’ of What It Was Half-a-Century Ago: Study

Catches of wild pacific salmon on the Fraser, Skeena and Nass Rivers are only a sixth of what they were half a century ago, according to a new study from UBC.

2022 Commercial California King Salmon Season Off to a Great Start

Only available now through the summer months, fresh, wild-caught California King salmon is here to enjoy, just in time for outdoor entertaining and summer celebrations. Officially kicking off at the beginning of May, California’s commercial fishermen are reporting a good season start despite some restrictions due to continued conservation efforts.

Kvarøy Arctic’s International Scholarship Continues to Empower Women in Aquaculture For the Third Year in a Row

May 13, 2022 Kvarøy Arctic’

Recognized by FastCo as one of the World’s Most Innovative Companies in 2022, Kvarøy Arctic is continuing for the third year its international scholarship program that aims to empower women in aquaculture.

Northern Ireland Protocol: Scottish Salmon Sector Fears ‘Trade War’

Scotland’s salmon sector has raised fears of a “trade war” with the European Union being triggered by the UK Government over the Northern Ireland protocol, warning this could have a “devastating impact on Britain’s export market”.

2022 Copper River Salmon Season Launches on May 16

It’s official. Alaska’s Copper River commercial salmon season will begin on Monday, May 16th, when the region’s commercial fishermen will be allowed to set their nets for a twelve-hour opener to harvest the revered king and sockeye salmon from the icy glacial fed waters of the Copper River Delta.