Alaska’s Salmon are in Chaos

As waters warm, unpredictable salmon returns leave some Alaskans with an abundance of salmon, and others with none.

Alaska’s Prince William Sound Salmon is in Season and Robust

The Copper River Prince William Sound salmon season is underway. The salmon are bright and robust and the commercial harvest, which has been consistent throughout the summer, will continue into September.

Alaska’s Bristol Bay Salmon Run Shatters Records, and It’s Not Done Yet

Record-breaking numbers of sockeye salmon have returned to southwest Alaska’s Bristol Bay, and the tally is expected to climb higher in the days ahead.

Commercial California King Salmon Season Officially Back in Action

After a recent season break, the 2022 commercial California King salmon season is officially back on, and California’s commercial fishermen are reporting great catches.  

Bristol Bay Sockeye Run Set to Shatter Records

From the pristine waters of Bristol Bay, the harvest of sockeye salmon, a legendary culinary experience, is set to break records. Consumers and chefs can’t wait for July when the opportunity to enjoy this memorable fish comes once again.