Ecuador’s Flower Industry Shifts Toward Hemp As Rose Sales Wither

At one of Ecuador’s oldest flower farms, workers are planting hemp on land that traditionally used for roses, making a bet that selling cannabinoid products will help offset the decline in flower sales caused by the pandemic.

Research Update: Effects of FloraLife Express Clear 100 on Freshly Harvested Roses

July 14, 2021 FloraLife

To restore the water balance of flowers that are shipped and stored dry, one needs to properly hydrate the flowers upon arrival, a common practice. Once rehydrated with FloraLife® Express Clear 100, flowers look fresh and turgid again. This product also has a positive effect on freshly harvested flowers that are not dehydrated.

Rosaprima Touts Rainforest Alliance and FlorEcuador Certifications

July 7, 2021 Rosaprima

Rosaprima is proud to announce we once again had our yearly audit for both the Rainforest Alliance and FlorEcuador certifications. This guarantees our roses not only are of the highest quality, but also are produced in a socially and environmentally responsible manner under strict guidelines.

Rio Roses Showcases Our New Lisianthus at the 2021 Floral Distribution Conference

July 6, 2021 Rio Roses / Equiflor

“Stronger together, better than ever” was the theme of this year’s WF&FSA Floral Distribution Conference, and it was certainly evident as so many floral wholesalers and suppliers came together for the first time in over a year. It was exciting to reconnect and celebrate how we are working together through these challenging times.

First-Ever Hippy Psychedelic Rose Love-In

Look out, Hippy Psychedelic Roses are hitting the road for the first-ever Hippy Psychedelic Rose Love-In hosted at Nordlie Detroit, MI! Presenting with Jet Fresh Flowers from Miami and Ecuador, come spend the day with them surrounded by fun, flowers, food and music on October 20, 2021 starting at 11am.