Pio Tosini: Our Interview With Giovanni Bianchi -Rogers Collection

The fourth generation runs the family business of Pio Tosini–a successful, well-run business with such integrity and commitment to tradition. It could be called legendary.

Three Ancient Parmigiano Reggianos and Their Revival

Parmigiano Reggiano, as the name suggests, is a cow’s milk cheese first produced in the Duchy of Parma, an area that lies between the small Italian villages of Parma and Reggio Emilia. As the name doesn’t suggest, this cheese originated in farming monastic communities over 900 years ago.

Bianca Modenese (White Cow) Parmigiano Reggiano DOP from Caseficio Rosola di Zocca

December 19, 2019 Roger's Collection

The “White Cow” (Bianca Modenese cow) is the ancient breed of cow from the region of Modena in Italy. There are only two producers of Bianca Modenese Parmigiano Reggiano DOP, and Caseficio Rosola di Zocca pioneered this production (the youngest Consorzio protecting each breed) in 2005.

A Return to the Land For Moncedillo

Moncedillo is a small cheese and yogurt factory located in the small Spanish town Cedillo de la Torre with just over 100 people. Cedillo de la Torre is in the province of Segovia in the Castilla y Leon region which, in the last 20 years, has become home to 80 cheese factories producing 66% of all sheep’s milk produced in Spain, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

Longtime Artisan Food Importer Rogers Collection Expands Their Offerings

June 21, 2019 Rogers Collection

Rogers Collection debuts a host of unique discoveries at the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York City this upcoming week. “We continue to expand and enrich our catalogue with new products that epitomize quality at its finest,” states Carrie Blakeman, Managing Director of Rogers Collection.