Commercial Closure for Red Snapper in South Atlantic Federal Waters on August 31, 2022

The commercial harvest of red snapper in federal waters of the South Atlantic will close at 12:01 a.m., local time, on August 31, 2022. During the commercial closure, all sale or purchase of red snapper is prohibited.·     All harvest or possession of red snapper in or from South Atlantic federal waters is now prohibited.

Commercial Reopening for Red Snapper in South Atlantic Federal Waters on November 2, 2021, for Four Days

The commercial harvest of red snapper in South Atlantic federal waters will reopen at 12:01 a.m., local time, on November 2, 2021, and close at 12:01 a.m., local time, on November 6, 2021. During the four-day reopening, the commercial trip limit for red snapper is 75 pounds gutted weight.

Commercial Closure for Red Snapper in South Atlantic Federal Waters on September 14, 2021

The commercial harvest of red snapper in federal waters of the South Atlantic will close at 12:01 a.m., local time, on September 14, 2021. During the commercial closure, all sale or purchase of red snapper is prohibited.

NOAA Fisheries Announces Limited Openings of Recreational and Commercial Red Snapper Seasons in South Atlantic Federal Waters

Each year, NOAA Fisheries announces the season opening dates for red snapper in federal waters of the South Atlantic, in addition to the recreational season length.

3 Times as Many Red Snapper Doesn’t Mean Tripled Quotas

Members of Congress say they expect relaxed catch limits for red snapper this year in light of a new study finding three times the number previously thought to swim in the Gulf of Mexico, but experts note that tripled quotas are extremely unlikely.