Beef Quarterly Q3 2019: Momentum is Building in Sustainable Beef

August 29, 2019 Rabobank

Strong beef demand in China, with imports in 1H 2019 up by more than 50% YOY, and trade uncertainty – including the US-China trade war, Brexit, and new Mercosur access to the EU – are the dominant themes in global beef, according to Rabobank’s Beef Quarterly for Q3 2019.

Pork Quarterly Q3 2019: Disease and Trade Issues are Jointly Changing the Global Market

July 30, 2019 Rabobank

Rising disease pressures are challenging the global market. Specifically, African swine fever (ASF) continues to threaten the global pork market, not only by causing a production drop in Asian countries, but also adding uncertainty to trade and production prospects in other parts of the world.

Dairy Quarterly Q2 2019: Optimism in the Midst of Chaos

June 26, 2019 Rabobank

Tightening milk supply, reduced stocks, and price stability continue to be the key themes permeating across global dairy markets, according to Rabobank’s Dairy Quarterly Q2 2019 report.. Not surprisingly, milk powder prices performed well in Q1 2019, posting year-on-year increases of over 30% on the back of lower milk supply and falling stocks. In contrast, the fat complex was more broadly stable.

Beef Quarterly Q2 2019: Changing of the Guard in the Beef Trimmings Market

June 10, 2019 Rabobank

With growing demand for western-style beef consumption in Asian countries, are we seeing a changing of the guard in the world trimmings market as China, Japan and South Korea start to dominate volume trade for beef trimmings? Rabobank’s ‘Beef Quarterly Q2 2019: Changing of the Guard in the Beef Trimmings Market’ delves deeper.

Pork Quarterly Q2 2019: Chinese Pork Production Shortfall Will Require Global Production Response

May 10, 2019 Rabobank

spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) into every province in China and throughout Southeast Asia in the last quarter has generated new concerns over the industry’s ability to respond to world demand. Structural constraints on production growth in some regions, along with infrastructure and logistics capacity constraints, may leave the world with limited supply and mounting competition for potential trading partners.