PBH Unveils Influencer VIPs Attending Consumer Connection Conference This April Spanning Retail, Foodservice & Lifestyle, Nutrition & Agriculture

As part of its commitment to connecting the fresh produce industry with consumer-facing decision-makers and influential professionals who inspire consumers daily, Produce for Better Health (PBH) unveils 38 VIP’s who will attend this year’s Consumer Connection Conference this April. Culling from its vast Have A Plant® Influencer Network, this unique group of experts span three distinct points of influence: point-of-sale (retail); point-of-flavor (culinary & foodservice) and point-of-inspiration (lifestyle, nutrition & agriculture).

Produce for Better Health’s Annual Consumer Connection Conference Poised For Success

Produce for Better Health (PBH) announces the first produce industry marketing event of the year – the Consumer Connection Conference – to be held in Scottsdale, AZ April 10-12, 2023. Now as part of the International Fresh Produce Association’s (IFPA) Foundation for Fresh Produce (FFP), PBH’s annual signature event bodes to convene one of the most powerful groups of fruit and vegetable advocates in history.

A Final Letter from PBH President & CEO Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak, MS, RDN

As your PBH President & CEO, I must say THANK YOU. Thank you for your heartfelt sentiments and support as I move into the next chapter of my career. My heart will always beat strong with fruit and veggie love, and it is my goal to carry my lifelong passion for produce into my next role. 

IFPA Foundation For Fresh Produce and Produce for Better Health Foundation Merge to Advance Fruit & Vegetable Consumption

The Foundation for Fresh Produce and Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) have announced they will combine to further advance fruit and vegetable consumption in America and create the largest global community of advocates for produce.

Produce For Better Health Foundation Releases New Consumer Research Illuminating Key Behaviors to Close the Fruit & Vegetable Consumption Gap

The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) today released its latest research report: Hacks To Habits: A Behavioral Research Study To Bolster Fruit & Vegetable Consumption. As part of PBH’s commitment to research across three platforms: food, nutrition and behavioral science; policy analyses; and consumer consumption trends, this new report reinforces the organization’s mission to improve fruit and vegetable consumption in America for better health and happiness.