Systems Approach Yields Fresh Plum Trade from Chile

March 16, 2022 C&L Fruit Chile

A coordinated effort involving the entire supply chain from Chilean growers, authorities and their U.S counterparts has allowed the Chilean industry to optimize the process of exporting Chilean fresh plums. Chilean plum exporters, over the past two years, have faced phytosanitary restrictions as well as logistics and transportation problems. But exporters are overcoming these issues via a Systems Approach and alternative transportation options. 

Oppy’s Newly-Expanded International Team Identifies Opportunity in South African Plums

February 16, 2022 Oppy

Strategically bolstering its international presence in recent years, Oppy is among the first to offer South African plums to the North American marketplace following an eight-year hiatus.

Camellia Plc: Purchase of Bardsley England, the UK’s Second Largest Apple Supplier

August 2, 2021 Camellia Plc

Bardsley England is a major fruit farming business and the UK’s second largest apple grower.   The farming operation covers 850 hectares (2,100 acres) in Kent and includes 27 orchards growing apples, pears, cherries, plums and grapes as well as a large grading, packing and storage facility. 

Sun World Celebrated 45 years of Innovation

June 7, 2021 Sun World

Nearly half a century ago, an upstart California produce company opened its doors with a commitment to bring consumers new, unique and better-tasting fruits and vegetables. That company, Sun World International, LLC (Sun World), this week celebrates 45 years of bold innovation and industry leadership.

Prima Wawona Announces Major Stone Fruit Expansion

April 26, 2021 Prima® Wawona

Prima Wawona announced that it is expanding its acreage by another 2600 acres devoted to growing Stone Fruit.